More resources for individuals and communities
- Learn more about how different states are impacted by this and other types of flooding, and what you can do to help build flood resilience, by downloading the state factsheet.
- Regional Emergency Coordinators (RECs) build relationships with federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial officials and healthcare representatives to plan effective federal emergency response, and to facilitate coordinated preparedness and response activities for public health and medical emergencies.
- Find contacts for County Emergency Managers in Kansas
- The Kansas State Research and Extension Program provides resources for flood preparedness and response, including specific tips for dealing with flooding.
More information about the programs in this report
- The Kansas Water Science Center is the regional U.S. Geological Survey office, which partners with more than 40 federal, state, and local agencies to monitor, assess, and conduct research on a wide range of water resources and conditions.
- The Kansas Silver Jackets team is led by the state’s Department of Agriculture’s Division of Water Resources and the Kansas Division of Emergency Management. The Kansas Hazard Mitigation Team supports flood mitigation actions to minimize vulnerability, promote state policy, and improve education and training.
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The State of Kansas recognizes flooding as the #1 natural hazard posing risk to people, property, and other assets.1 | Kansas experienced 1284 floods between 2000 and 2018 – averaging to over 1 flood per week.2 | Flooding resulted in 23 presidential disaster declarations in Kansas between 2000 and 2018 – averaging to more than 1 declaration each year.3 |
Prepare your district for floods: ready.gov/floods. Assess your home or office’s flood risk: msc.fema.gov.
Need help now? Contact the Kansas Division of Emergency Management: 785-646-1409
- State of Kansas. Kansas Hazard Mitigation Plan. (Kansas Division of Emergency Management, 2018).
- NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Storm Events Database. Available at: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/. (Accessed: 14th August 2019)
- OpenFEMA Dataset: Disaster Declarations Summaries – V1. OpenFEMA (2019). Available at: https://www.fema.gov/openfema-dataset-disaster-declarations-summaries-v1. (Accessed: 5th July 2019)
- Ziegler, A; Kansas Water Science Center. Personal communication. (2019).