More resources for individuals and communities
- Learn more about how different states are impacted by this and other types of flooding, and what you can do to help build flood resilience, by downloading the state factsheet.
- Regional Emergency Coordinators (RECs) build relationships with federal, state, local, tribal and territorial officials and healthcare representatives to plan effective federal emergency response, and to facilitate coordinated preparedness and response activities for public health and medical emergencies.
- Find contacts for the Virginia Department of Emergency Management
- Learn how to prepare your well for a flood and how to respond to hurricane damage to trees and forests
- The Virginia Cooperative Extension provides information on horse emergency preparedness and evacuation sites
More information about the programs in this report
- The Virginia and West Virginia Water Science Center is Virginia’s regional U.S. Geological Survey Water Science Center. This office operates stream gages, observation wells, and monitoring stations that provide reliable scientific information needed to make informed decisions.
- Virginia Sea Grant advances the resilience and sustainability of Virginia’s coastal and marine ecosystems and the communities that depend upon them.
- The Virginia Silver Jackets team facilitates collaboration, shares information, and leverages resources to identify and implement solutions to reduce flood hazards.
Between 2000 and 2018, hurricanes caused $1.3 billion in property damages.1 | The Virginia Department of Emergency Management recognizes flooding as the #1 natural hazard posing risk to people and property in the state.2 | Flooding is an immediate threat to eight military facilities in Virginia.3 |
The U.S. Geological Service Water Science Centers fund and conduct water research and monitoring driven by state priorities.
Contact the Virginia office: Richmond, VA: 804-261-2600 The NOAA National Sea Grant College Program supports coastal communities through research and extension programs shaped by local needs. Contact the main office: VIMS, Gloucester Point, VA: 804-684-7269 |
The Virginia and West Virginia Water Science Center spent
$40 million between 2010 and 2019 on Virginia’s flood research and education priorities.4 In 2017, Virginia Sea Grant work resulted in 160 jobs and 67 businesses5
Prepare your district for floods: Assess your home or office’s flood risk:
Need help now? Contact the Virginia Department of Emergency Management: 804-897-6500
- NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Storm Events Database. Available at: (Accessed: 14th August 2019)
- Virginia Department of Emergency Management & Witt O’Brien’s. Commonwealth of Virginia Hazard Mitigation Plan. (2018).
- US Department of Defense. Report on effects of a changing climate. (2019).
- Bennett, M; Virginia-West Virginia Water Science Center. Personal communication. (2019).
- Virginia Sea Grant. Sea Grant (2018). Available at: (Accessed: 20th August 2019)